Seismic Facies Analysis

Seismic facies are groups of seismic properties and conformity layers that will have a certain relationship with geologic and lithologic properties.

Used ML Approaches:

  • Support Vector Machine

  • Decision Tree

  • Gaussian Mixture Model

  • K‐Means

  • Principal Component Analysis

  • Self Organized Mapping

  • Artificial Neural Networks

Used Neural Networks:

  • FC

  • SOM

  • CNN

  • RNN

  • gradient boosting

  • Autoencoder

  • Malenov

  • LSTM

  • U-Net

  • Attention

  • GAN

  • SegNet

  • DeepLab

Used Learning Procedures:

  • Supervised Learning

  • Unsupervised Learning

  • Semi-Supervised Learning

  • Ensemble Learning


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  18. Zhao, T., Li, F., & Marfurt, K. J. (2017). Constraining self-organizing map facies analysis with stratigraphy: An approach to increase the credibility in automatic seismic facies classification. Interpretation, 5(2), T163-T171.

  19. Zhao, T., Li, F., & Marfurt, K. J. (2018). Seismic attribute selection for unsupervised seismic facies analysis using user-guided data-adaptive weights. Geophysics, 83(2), O31-O44.

  20. Qian, F., Yin, M., Liu, X. Y., Wang, Y. J., Lu, C., & Hu, G. M. (2018). Unsupervised seismic facies analysis via deep convolutional autoencoders. Geophysics, 83(3), A39-A43.

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  22. Feng, R., Balling, N., Grana, D., Dramsch, J. S., & Hansen, T. M. (2021). Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks for Seismic Facies Classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

  23. Grana, D., Azevedo, L., & Liu, M. (2020). A comparison of deep machine learning and Monte Carlo methods for facies classification from seismic data. Geophysics, 85(4), WA41-WA52.

  24. Li, F., Zhou, H., Wang, Z., & Wu, X. (2020). ADDCNN: An attention-based deep dilated convolutional neural network for seismic facies analysis with interpretable spatial–spectral maps. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(2), 1733-1744.

  25. Lin, J., Li, H., Liu, N., Gao, J., & Li, Z. (2020). Automatic lithology identification by applying LSTM to logging data: A case study inX tight rock reservoirs. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

  26. Liu, M., Jervis, M., Li, W., & Nivlet, P. (2020). Seismic facies classification using supervised convolutional neural networks and semisupervised generative adversarial networks. Geophysics, 85(4), O47-O58.

  27. Liu, Z., Cao, J., Lu, Y., Chen, S., & Liu, J. (2019). A seismic facies classification method based on the convolutional neural network and the probabilistic framework for seismic attributes and spatial classification. Interpretation, 7(3), SE225-SE236.

  28. Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., & Xue, H. (2019). Seismic facies analysis based on deep learning. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17(7), 1119-1123.

  29. Zhang, H., Chen, T., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., & Liu, J. (2021). Automatic seismic facies interpretation using supervised deep learning. Geophysics, 86(1), IM15-IM33.

  30. Di, H., Gao, D., & AlRegib, G. (2019). Developing a seismic texture analysis neural network for machine-aided seismic pattern recognition and classification. Geophysical Journal International, 218(2), 1262-1275.

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