Event Discrimination

The task of differentiating between multiple classes of seismic signals of interests

Used ML Approaches:

  • Artificial Neural Networks

  • Self Organized Mapping

  • Linear Regression

  • Support Vector Machine

  • Gradient Boosting Machine

  • Fuzzy Logic

  • K-Nearest Neighbors

  • Random Forest

  • Naive Bayes

  • Stochastic Configuration Networks

  • Linear Discriminant Analysis

  • Hidden Markov Model

  • Decision Tree

  • Deep Gaussian Process

Used Neural Networks:

  • LSTM

  • Attention


  • Autoencoder

  • CapsNet

  • TCN

  • GRU

  • LeNet

  • U-Net

  • GoogleNet

  • AlexNet

  • ResNet

  • SqueezeNet

  • Inception

Used Learning Procedures:

  • Supervised Learning

  • Unsupervised Learning

  • Transfer Learning

  • Self-Supervised Learning

  • Semi-Supervised Learning


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