Reservoir Characterization

Determining petrophysical properties of the subsurface such as porosity, permeability, or shale fraction that could be an indication of potential hydrocarbon-enriched zones, is an important task in exploration seismology and reservoir characterization.

Used ML Approaches:

  • Artificial Neural Networks

Used Neural Networks:

  • FC

  • CNN

  • RNN

  • GAN

  • U-Net

  • PINN

  • Autoencoder

  • VGG

  • DenseNet

  • LSTM

Used Learning Procedures:

  • Unsupervised Learning

  • Supervised Learning

  • Transfer Learning

  • Semi-Supervised Learning


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  15. Liu, M., & Grana, D. (2020). Time-lapse seismic history matching with an iterative ensemble smoother and deep convolutional autoencoder. Geophysics, 85(1), M15-M31.

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